6 Baby Sleep Downloads Mom’s will APP-reciate

6 Baby Sleep Downloads Mom’s will APP-reciate

Before the rise of technology, our own moms and other moms in our community were our go-to for all things baby related. Though relationships are still a crucial part of raising a child (it will always take a village), technology has given us a gift to make motherhood...
Get Your 8-Month-Old Baby on a Nap Schedule

Get Your 8-Month-Old Baby on a Nap Schedule

If you are the proud parent of an 8 month old baby, you have likely just figured out what they were looking for. You have them going down for bedtime, sleeping soundly through the night, and then, BOOM! All of a sudden, something is amiss. Perhaps their naps have...
Episode 6- Daycare and Caregivers

Episode 6- Daycare and Caregivers

In this episode, I discuss how caregivers and daycare can affect sleeping practices. I give ways to maximize your child’s day and the importance of awake windows. Finally, I talk all about balance and adjustments for daycare and being left with a caregiver. What To...
Why are babies naps short?

Why are babies naps short?

The Curse of the Short Nap In conversation with tired parents as they are looking to work with a sleep consultant, the usual issue is the child struggling to go down at bedtime or multiple night-wakings that keep everyone in a constant state of “double pumpkin-spice...
When Can I Night Wean?

When Can I Night Wean?

When Can I Night Wean? I get asked this question a lot, and I have two answers for you about night weaning. My first answer is going to be a clinical one. If your child’s six months or older, gaining weight as expected, and your doctor says you’re okay to end...