Hi, I’m Angela Stuart

Pediatric Sleep Consultant from Austin, TX

Hi Y’all! I am Angela. I’m a former kindergarten teacher and I live in Austin, Texas with my husband George and our three spunky boys, George 6, James 4, and David 1. Life certainly is crazy around here!

When my oldest was born, he slept great for the first 12 weeks. Then, right after he turned 3 months old, he started waking up every 45 minutes at night time. YIKES!! This went on for 3 months before I had finally had enough. I was exhausted and a complete mombie! After hours and hours of research, I decided to meet with a sleep consultant. Her help was incredibly invaluable. I’m extremely grateful for the help she provided. After going through this experience I knew that someday I would become a sleep consultant so I too could help other exhausted parents.

Supporting a family through any change is difficult. Whether you are struggling with your baby sleeping through the night, toddler bedtime battles or want to build a newborn that sleeps well from the start – let’s connect.

Brooke, 5 Months Old, Austin, TX

I wanted to give a shout-out to an amazing sleep consultant here in Austin for helping my little one get back on track with her sleep. Daylight savings was not kind to her sleep schedule, and she is now back on track and sleeping through the night!

Build a Free Schedule for Baby

Timing is everything. With our sample schedule generator, you can ensure that your little one is getting the right rest, at the right time, by age & stage. Click below to get started!


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Romper - Tiny Transitions - Baby Sleep Coaches