How to Keep Your Baby Awake During the Bedtime Routine

How to Keep Your Baby Awake During the Bedtime Routine

Today, I have a question from Nadia. She writes, “I’ve been working on the Sleep Sense Program for about a week now, but I’m having a really hard time keeping my baby awake through her bottle at the bedtime routine. What can I do?” Well,...
Why are babies naps short?

Why are babies naps short?

The Curse of the Short Nap In conversation with tired parents as they are looking to work with a sleep consultant, the usual issue is the child struggling to go down at bedtime or multiple night-wakings that keep everyone in a constant state of “double pumpkin-spice...
Is My Baby Sleeping Too Much?

Is My Baby Sleeping Too Much?

Is there ever a time when your baby is sleeping too much? I know that might sound crazy especially if you’ve had months or even years of broken sleep and half an hour naps might seem like a fantasy. The baby might actually sleep too much. The truth of the matter...
No Toys in the Crib

No Toys in the Crib

If you’re like most parents, you probably can’t take more than a couple of steps in your house without tripping over a doll, a stuffed animal or a Tonka truck. You are most likely more than familiar with the sensation of getting those hard, tiny Lego...
7 Tips to Try to Improve Your Child’s Sleep

7 Tips to Try to Improve Your Child’s Sleep

During my 10 years as a sleep professional, I’ve gotten used to people asking me what the secret is to getting a baby to sleep through the night. Of course, there is no ONE secret. Teaching a child healthy sleep habits is a combination of lots of different...