3 Month Old Sleep Schedule: Nap & Bedtime

3 Month Old Sleep Schedule: Nap & Bedtime

You are just coming out from the first 3 months with a newborn. The ice diapers have been tucked away in the closet, you are starting to see some longer stretches of baby sleeping through the night and everyone is started to get into a little more of a rhythm,...
Awake Windows for Babies: The Ultimate Guide to Better Sleep

Awake Windows for Babies: The Ultimate Guide to Better Sleep

As a parent, it is normal to worry about every little detail regarding your child’s sleep schedule. One important aspect of their sleep schedule is knowing when they should be awake. Understanding wake windows can be the key to a well-rested baby and less stress...
Why Do Babies Take Short Naps?

Why Do Babies Take Short Naps?

As a new parent, one of the most baffling challenges can be understanding why your baby takes short naps. You’ve tried everything to create a serene environment and establish a consistent routine, but the elusive longer rest evades your little one. There can be...
6 Reasons Your Baby is Taking Short Naps & Sleeping Off Schedule

6 Reasons Your Baby is Taking Short Naps & Sleeping Off Schedule

As a new parent, getting your baby to sleep through the night can be challenging, but so can getting them to take long naps during the day. It can feel like a never-ending cycle of trying to keep your baby asleep, shushing them, and then waking up to find that their...
The 8-Month Sleep Regression Explained

The 8-Month Sleep Regression Explained

Every parent cherishes those quiet nights when their baby sleeps soundly, offering a much-needed respite. Just when you think you’ve gotten the hang of your baby’s sleep schedule, the 8-month old sleep regression makes an unexpected appearance, leaving you...