Three Myths About Sleep Training

Three Myths About Sleep Training

Do you want to know something that really gets me fired up? It’s when Moms (either online or in real life) are talking sleep, and I hear comments like this: You should just enjoy getting up to nurse all night ñ someday heíll be all grown up and you’ll miss...
Breaking the Nightly Bottle Habit

Breaking the Nightly Bottle Habit

This week’s question comes from Teresa. My 11-month-old goes to bed with a bottle and wakes for a bottle in the night. How do I break her of this habit? Good question, Teresa! When you put your baby in bed at night, it’s fine to include the bottle in her...
Why Won’t My Baby Sleep?

Why Won’t My Baby Sleep?

This is a question I often asked my first son when he was an infant. I asked it in a sweet voice, I asked it in a pleading voice, I asked it in an angry voice, but no matter how many times I asked, he never gave me the answer. I can remember the night and some of you...
Is Co-Sleeping Dangerous For Your Baby?

Is Co-Sleeping Dangerous For Your Baby?

There is no way to sugar coat it: SIDS is truly is a parent’s worst nightmare. I remember worrying to the point where I got up several times a night to check on my first son while he was sleeping. I was exhausting myself, and finally, I had to sit down and come...
Dropping A Soother

Dropping A Soother

Before my last bundle of joy arrived, I spoke with my husband about soothers and whether or not we should use one at all this time. As a Certified Lactation Counselor, I know that introducing a soother reduces statistically the longevity of successful nursing, which I...