Toddler Bedtime – Helping Toddlers Stay in their Bed

Toddler Bedtime – Helping Toddlers Stay in their Bed

Reduce Stress, Reduce Anxiety and Help your Toddler to Sleep with Ease. Toddlers are fascinating little humans, aren’t they? Watching them develop into thinking, creative little people is such a fascinating time, and one that parents often wish would last a little...
Testing, Teething, and Illness

Testing, Teething, and Illness

Testing After you have gotten your little one sleeping well, you may still experience the occasional “test night”, and this can happen with any age group. It might manifest as suddenly protesting a bedtime or naptime when there is no explanation for the behaviour. It...
Snoring, Mouth Breathing & Sleep – Should I Be Concerned?

Snoring, Mouth Breathing & Sleep – Should I Be Concerned?

As a mother, the sight of your baby sleeping means they’re relaxed, feeling safe, and content with everything around them. However, the adorable purr coming from my child was not as innocent as I believed it to be. Interestingly enough, snoring and mouth breathing...
Is Sleep Deprivation Impacting Your Relationship?

Is Sleep Deprivation Impacting Your Relationship?

What is it about you having a lousy night’s sleep that makes everyone else so awful? It seems that way, doesn’t it? You have a night of broken, interrupted, just plain lousy sleep, and the next day people are driving like they’ve been lobotomized, humming and hawing...
3 Reasons You Should Hire a Sleep Consultant

3 Reasons You Should Hire a Sleep Consultant

When people ask what I do, it’s often met with a stare and awkward curiosity. “You help kids to sleep?” — yes, and it’s the most amazing job in the world. As a certified sleep consultant, I can tell you the research and very fundamental reason for the start...