No Toys in the Crib

No Toys in the Crib

If you’re like most parents, you probably can’t take more than a couple of steps in your house without tripping over a doll, a stuffed animal or a Tonka truck. You are most likely more than familiar with the sensation of getting those hard, tiny Lego...
When Can I Night Wean?

When Can I Night Wean?

When Can I Night Wean? I get asked this question a lot, and I have two answers for you about night weaning. My first answer is going to be a clinical one. If your child’s six months or older, gaining weight as expected, and your doctor says you’re okay to end...
7 Tips to Try to Improve Your Child’s Sleep

7 Tips to Try to Improve Your Child’s Sleep

During my 10 years as a sleep professional, I’ve gotten used to people asking me what the secret is to getting a baby to sleep through the night. Of course, there is no ONE secret. Teaching a child healthy sleep habits is a combination of lots of different...
How To Know When Your Child is Tired

How To Know When Your Child is Tired

It’s not always obvious when a child is getting tired… Here’s how to recognize “sleep signs” so you can get your child to bed BEFORE they become overtired! The following question is from Trish, who wrote: “Help! Why can’t I...
Surviving Sleep Regressions

Surviving Sleep Regressions

It’s here, the dreaded sleep regression – and things were going so well. You finally got baby on a loose ‘schedule,’ they were going down well for naps, sleeping through the night and then BOOM, sleep sucks again. This is commonly when I hear from many new...