When you’re parenting twins, one of the biggest challenges you’ll face is managing feeding schedules to keep your babies well-nourished while ensuring everyone gets enough rest.

Establishing a consistent routine for daytime and nighttime feedings is crucial for your twins’ growth and for maintaining your own sanity.

In this blog, our resident Dallas, TX-based twin baby sleep coach, Katherine Fehily will explore how to manage feeding twins in both daytime and overnight hours to keep them on a similar schedule.

Create a Daytime Feeding Routine:

A well-structured daytime feeding routine can set the stage for a more manageable nighttime schedule. Here’s how to do it:

Set Regular Feeding Times:

  • Aim for feeding sessions every 2-3 hours during the day.
  • Use a timer or alarms to remind yourself when it’s time to feed.
  • Sync your twins’ schedules as closely as possible so that they eat at the same time.

Encourage Full Feedings:

  • Ensure that each baby gets a full feeding by allowing them to feed until they show signs of being full.
  • Burp them and provide comfort after each feeding.

Keep a Feeding Journal:

  • Track each baby’s feeding times, amounts, and diaper changes. This can help you identify patterns and needs.

Tandem Feeding for Efficiency:

Tandem feeding is a game-changer for managing daytime feedings with twins. Here’s how to do it:

Invest in a Twin Feeding Pillow:

  • A twin nursing pillow can provide proper support and make tandem feeding more comfortable for both you and your babies.

Find a Comfortable Position:

  • Experiment with different feeding positions to see which one works best for you and your twins.
  • The football hold and cradle hold are popular choices.

Prepare Ahead of Time:

Have all the necessary supplies within arm’s reach: nursing pillow, burp cloths, water, and snacks for yourself. Keep “room baskets” across the house, with items like diapers, burp clothes, bottles of water for you to stay hydrates and extra onesies should someone have a blow-out. 

Maintain a Consistent Sleep Environment:

A consistent sleep environment can help your twins understand the difference between day and night. 

Daytime Brightness:

  • Keep the lights on during daytime feedings to signal that it’s time to be awake.
  • Engage with your babies and interact with them to stimulate their senses.

Nighttime Darkness:

  • Dim the lights during nighttime feedings to maintain a calm and sleepy atmosphere.
  • Avoid stimulating activities or interaction with your twins at night.

Encourage Self-Soothing:

Help your twins develop the ability to self-soothe during nighttime feedings to reduce waking frequency:

Gradual Reduction in Assistance:

  • As your twins grow, gradually reduce the level of assistance you provide during nighttime feedings.
  • Allow them to learn to fall back asleep on their own after feeding.

Use Pacifiers if Appropriate:

  • Offer a pacifier to help soothe your babies back to sleep after feeding.

Syncing Nighttime Feedings:

To keep your twins on a similar nighttime schedule, try these strategies:

Dream Feeding:

  • Offer a “dream feed” to each baby right before you go to bed. This may help them sleep for longer stretches. As a baby sleep consultant, I do reccomend that you drop dream feeds between 8 and 12 weeks old, so that you don’t begin to interfere with their natural sleep / wake patterns. 

Shift Work:

  • Consider a shift-work approach with your partner or a support person, allowing each of you to get uninterrupted sleep during part of the night.

Feeding twins during the daytime and overnight can be challenging, but with careful planning and a consistent routine, you can ensure your babies are well-fed while promoting better sleep patterns for everyone.

Remember that every family is unique, so feel free to adapt these strategies to fit your twins’ individual needs and your own preferences. Over time, you’ll find a rhythm that works for your family, and everyone will get the nourishment and rest they need. 


Katherine is a renowned baby & toddler sleep coach based in Dallas, Texas, with a specialization in twins. Her dedication to improving the sleep patterns of children aged 1 to 4 years has earned her a well-deserved reputation as a trusted sleep expert within the local community and beyond. Beyond her role as a sleep coach, Katherine is also an active member of the Mothers of Multiples Chapter in Plano, Texas, where she offers valuable insights and support to parents of twins and multiples. Her journey towards becoming a pediatric sleep coach is a testament to her passion for engineering solutions that help families achieve their unique sleep goals. Learn more and book a call with Katherine today.