Join us today as we sit down with Anna Macsaulka, the founder of Zenimals, as we discuss the benefits of meditation in children, her story and struggle with anxiety as a child, and the power & impact this product can have for our youth.


Zenimal was founded in 2017 by Anna Peterson Macsalka, an entrepreneur who wanted to help people lead healthier, more joyful lives through meditation. She believed that meditation could help everyone, both adults and children, to navigate our endlessly connected, fast-paced world.

  • Discover Zenimals & the amazing products for mindfulness in our youths & adults
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Episode Highlights:

  • Anna and Courtney discuss the Zenimal and how the product idea came about through a story of loss and hope. 
  • Courtney talks about the impact Zenimal had with her two younger toddlers during her battle with stomach cancer. 
  • We discover the 9 meditations on the Zenimal and how each was crafted. 

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Podcast Episode Transcripts: