Our Sleep Guarantee

Your RIsk Free Sleep Solution

We teach tired parents how to help their kids sleep in just days, without crying it out.

When you’re ready to get more sleep and you’re ready to make changes for both you and your child, we’re here for it!

In addition to our in-depth sleep consultation to kick things off, we’ll provide you with a written sleep plan with all the sleep education and step-by-step details about what we will do together during the three-week private coaching program to attain the goals we set for your family. We also guarantee your success, as long as you are equally committed.

Our Commitment to Sleep Coaching:

WRITE a customized sleep plan that includes sleep education as well as step-by-step details about what the three-week program will look like

HOST a 60-90 minute sleep plan review (Consultation) call with you to review the sleep plan and what to expect for the three weeks.

SCHEDULE regular check-in calls for the three weeks! (Don’t worry, we can talk as often as you need! But, we want to have at least five calls on your calendar for our time together.)

PROVIDE education, support, guidance, coaching, virtual high fives, cheerleading, and touchdown dances as needed along the way!

SHARE an amazing library of Tiny Transitions Graduate materials and further education with you at the end of our successful three-week journey to prepare you for future transitions!

Your Commitment to Sleep Coaching

PROVIDE accurate and complete information about your child’s current sleep situation so that we can customize the plan to ensure your goals will be met!

ATTEND the consultation call

READ the written plan

ASK questions along the way – that’s what we’re here for!

SHARE regular and detailed updates with us along the way! (Don’t worry, we make this part easy by providing a digital sleep tracker tool! It tells you exactly what we need to know each day.)

INCLUDE notes about your child’s progress, behaviors, and demeanor throughout the day, especially during wake-up, nap times, bedtime, and overnights. These details are critical to ensure that we coach and guide you to success. We can’t provide the appropriate guidance to reach your goals if we don’t know what’s going on.

CORRESPOND with us daily

COMPLETE digital sleep tracker updates every day for three weeks.

View the Full Terms & Conditions here

We are the best sleep coaching company in the country and stand by that reputation and our results and stand by you through the sleep transformation that your family will make.

We are committed if you are committed and our 100+ 5 star Google Reviews prove that. We look forward to chatting more about it with you, should you have questions.