7 Tips For Baby Sleep Help With Twins

1. Work Out Night Shifts

Initially, the overnights are rough: waking up every two to three hours to get through multiple feedings, diaper changes, and shushing back to sleep leaves you very little time to sleep. In most cases, splitting the night in half best ensures you each get a few uninterrupted hours of sleep.

2. Keep Their Routines Staggered

Aim to stagger their routine by 10 to 20 minutes from the beginning. If you are breastfeeding but aren’t tandem feeding, you will want to offset their routines by the length of an average feeding. For example, if you are initially following the eat, play, sleep routine, the first will have a feed and burp. Then, you will put them down to play on their backs or have tummy time.

3. Treat Them As The Individuals They Are

Whether identical, fraternal, or sororal, every baby is different. One baby may take to bottles. One may not. One may prefer pacifiers, and the list goes on. Guaranteed, you will have one that’s the stronger sleeper. Pay attention and identify the sensitive sleeper.

4. Establish A Bedtime Routine

Babies will fall asleep the easiest and sleep the longest, typically with bedtimes between 7 and 8 PM. You should aim to get one down by 7 PM and one by 7:30 PM to give yourself some wiggle room. If you have help during bedtime, it will make things much more manageable. If you don’t, make sure you start a routine, you can manage on your own to keep it going.

5. Prepare Their Room

Set yourself up for success when you move them to sleep in their room. Have their room dark; if possible, it should be so dark that you can’t make out your hand in front of your face. This will help prevent early morning light from waking them.

6. Have Them Nap Separately

While most twins get accustomed to each others’ noises, having them nap separately ensures they get their best daytime sleep, setting you up for better nighttime sleep. If they’re in the same room, you or their sibling will likely wake the other one when you get them out of bed.

7. Have Support In Place

Prioritizing self-care and sleep for you and your partner will make you better parents. Take help where you can get it. If you have family members willing to take some nightshifts for you, you’ve struck gold. If they can’t but can help during the day, sneak in a nap.

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