Getting a toddler to go to sleep and stay asleep can be quite a task. Have you ever thought about how screens might be affecting your child’s sleep? Read on to find out why many parents stick to a “no screens before bedtime” rule.”
Tom Greenspan

Tom Greenspan

Co-Founder, and Sleep Science Coach at .

No Electronics Rule Before Bedtime

Yes, gadgets like cell phones & tablets can affect the sleep of your toddler. The bright screens, loud audio, and stimulating content can keep your child from getting the restful sleep they need to be healthy and alert during the day.

To avoid these problems, ensure your toddler’s bedroom is free of distractions like electronic devices by having a “no electronics” rule before bedtime. This will help encourage them to use a more traditional activity pre-bed such as reading or playing quietly with toys. Toddlers need to have good “sleep hygiene” which means establishing regular bedtimes and winding down activities at night to help them get adequate amounts of quality sleep on a daily basis.

Establish A Consistent Bedtime Routine

It is well-established that the blue light emitted by screens, including those on smartphones and tablets, can interfere with the production of the sleep hormone melatonin and disrupt sleep patterns. This is true for people of all ages, including toddlers.

If your toddler is using gadgets like smartphones and tablets before bedtime, it is important to set limits on their use and ensure that they are not exposed to screens for an extended period of time before sleep. It can also be helpful to establish a consistent bedtime routine that does not involve screens, such as reading a book or listening to calming music.

In addition to setting limits on screen time, it is essential to create a sleep-friendly environment for your toddler. This includes keeping the bedroom dark and at a comfortable temperature, and removing any distractions that may disrupt sleep, such as loud noises or bright lights.

Overall, it is important to be mindful of your toddler’s screen time and take steps to ensure that it does not negatively impact their sleep. Setting limits and establishing a consistent bedtime routine can help your toddler get the restful sleep they need to grow and thrive.

Anirban Saha

Anirban Saha

Founder & Editor .
Po-Chang Hsu

Po-Chang Hsu

MD, MS, Medical Content Expert at .

Soothing Evening Routine: Calming Activities

Device use (especially before bedtime) can significantly decrease sleep quality in toddlers. Even though many parents use tablets or smartphones to soothe or distract kids, they do more harm than good. The blue light emitted from screens suppresses melatonin production (the sleep-inducing hormone) and leads to circadian rhythm disruptions. Lower melatonin levels also mean difficulty falling asleep, nighttime awakenings, and poor sleep quality overall.

Therefore, it’s best to limit device use by 1-3 hours before bed. Instead, parents can come up with a soothing evening routine. It should involve calming activities and something their toddler will look forward to every night (like reading a story, for example). The routine may also include a warm bath (for increased relaxation), drawing, massage, non-active games (I Spy, for instance), and so on.

Establish Healthy Sleeping Habits and Avoid Stimulating Activities Before Bed

The answer is yes, they can. Gadgets like cell phones and tablets emit a blue light that mimics natural daylight and can disrupt your toddler’s sleep cycle. The blue light from these devices tricks the brain into thinking it’s daytime, making it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

To minimize this effect, it is recommended that you limit your toddler’s screen time before bed and avoid using screens in their rooms. Additionally, you can purchase a blue light filter to reduce the amount of blue light emitted from these devices. By taking these simple steps, you can help ensure that your toddler is getting enough quality sleep each night.

Furthermore, it is essential to teach your toddler healthy sleep habits. This means establishing a consistent bedtime routine and avoiding stimulating activities before bed. Additionally, eliminating caffeine intake in the evening can help to ensure that your toddler falls asleep quickly and stays asleep through the night. By ensuring that your toddler is following these healthy sleep habits, you can help to ensure that they are getting enough quality sleep each night.

In conclusion, gadgets like cell phones and tablets can affect the sleep of your toddler. To reduce this effect, it is important to limit screen time before bed and purchase a blue light filter for these devices.

Taylor Remington

Taylor Remington

Founder & CEO of .

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