What Does it Take to Become a Pediatric Sleep Coach?

What Does it Take to Become a Pediatric Sleep Coach?

Before I knew anything about sleep training, I was a marketing executive. I was organized, polished, totally “together.” Then I found out I was having a baby. I was excited and confident. How hard could this motherhood thing be? After all, women had been having and...
Post-Quarantine Travel Hacks with a Toddler

Post-Quarantine Travel Hacks with a Toddler

This month, Liz Chapman, a Pediatric Sleep Consultant and member of the Slumber Squad {who also is bi-lingual and works with Spanish-speaking families) took her first trip in the air after over a year at home during the lockdowns and stay-at-home orders. As the summer...
Your Toddler Scaled the Crib Walls – Now What Do You Do?

Your Toddler Scaled the Crib Walls – Now What Do You Do?

There you are: relaxing on the couch with your spouse, watching “Antiques Roadshow” on PBS (because it’s Monday night, after all, and this is your life now). You talk about each other’s day, stretch, yawn, and discuss whether or not 8:45 is too early to turn in for...
9 Tells that Your Tot is Tired

9 Tells that Your Tot is Tired

Your baby has a lot of things going on in her little life. New stimulation is continually stretching her brain and strengthening her tiny body. Can you imagine living in a world where everything was utterly novel all the time? It must be exhausting (and thrilling)!...
Should You Use Melatonin with Kids to Help them Sleep Better?

Should You Use Melatonin with Kids to Help them Sleep Better?

Parents who are fed up with not being able to place their kids on a healthy sleep schedule and get them down without a fight every day might feel the use of a magic pill to be appealing because they want their children to sleep, as they know it’s crucial in...