Do you want to know something that really gets me fired up? It’s when Moms (either online or in real life) are talking sleep, and I hear comments like this: You should just enjoy getting up to nurse all night ñ someday heíll be all grown up and you’ll miss...
At the risk of generalizing here, it’s been my experience that there’s usually one parent who handles the bulk of the nighttime responsibilities. And that parent, in a man/woman relationship, is almost always Mom. Now, before you go accusing me of sexism of...
So, perhaps that’s a bit of a misleading title. I’m not suggesting that you can remove yourself from baby’s bedtime routine altogether. Even if you could somehow say to your child, “Alright. It’s almost bedtime. Go have a bath, brush your teeth, get into your PJs,...
“With all of the information that’s readily available online and the resources you have at your disposal in the form of friends and family who have managed to get their kids to sleep, why would you want to invite a stranger into your home to get your child sleeping...
When people ask what I do, it’s often met with a stare and awkward curiosity. “You help kids to sleep?” — yes, and it’s the most amazing job in the world. As a certified sleep consultant, I can tell you the research and very fundamental reason for the start...
One of my biggest rules for parents who are sleep training is to remain consistent. Whether it’s the bedtime routine, where baby sleeps, or what the consequences are for leaving their room in the night, consistency is absolutely essential to regular nights of quality...