Besides the obvious benefit of seeing the sweet face of your sleeping baby whenever you would like, are there other benefits to co-sleeping with your baby? Are there benefits for the baby, too? Keep reading to find out the benefits some of our readers have experienced or learned.
Nicole Johnson

Nicole Johnson

Nicole Johnson, President, and Lead Sleep Consultant at The Baby Sleep Site.

Reduce the Risk of SIDS, Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Co-sleeping is often beneficial to both parents and the baby when done safely. There are several reasons it can be beneficial:

    1. It is often easier to be successful with breastfeeding when you are co-sleeping because newborns need to feed so frequently in the early days. If you aren’t co-sleeping, it takes a lot more effort to get up to feed the baby. New moms can master side-lying nursing and move the baby back to the bedside co-sleeper much easier than if the baby is in another room. Although it’s not absolutely necessary to breastfeed, co-sleeping can make it easier for those who choose to and it’s considered optimum for your baby’s health.

    2. The AAP recommends sharing a room with your baby for the first 6-12 months to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

    3. Bonding with your newborn is very important because it helps moms guard against postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety.

    4. New moms are often very nervous about their baby’s well-being, and rightfully so. Having your baby close at night can help new parents rest easier.

Co-sleeping doesn’t work for every family but it can be beneficial when it’s done safely. Ideally, the baby is in their own sleep space next to their parent’s bed and their sleep space is a firm surface, free from loose bedding, and the baby is put on their back.

Health and Bonding Benefits

Co-sleeping is a parenting practice that involves sharing a bed or sleeping space with one’s baby. There are numerous benefits to co-sleeping for both parents and babies, including health, bonding, convenience, and safety.

    ● Health Benefits. Research has shown that co-sleeping can be beneficial in terms of improving overall health by increasing the amount of quality sleep a baby gets. For example, studies have found that breastfeeding mothers who share a bed with their baby experience more restful sleep than those who do not. This can help reduce overall stress levels in both parents and babies. Additionally, co-sleeping promotes skin-to-skin contact, which helps babies regulate their body temperature and heart rate, leading to better overall health.

    ● Bonding Benefits. Co-sleeping provides ample opportunity for physical and emotional bonding between parent and baby. The proximity of co-sleeping encourages physical touch, which is important for calming a baby during times of distress and also creates an environment where parents can be more attuned to their baby’s needs. Additionally, the emotional support that comes with being close together can help reduce stress hormones in both parents and babies.

    ● Convenience. Co-sleeping makes nighttime parenting easier by reducing the amount of time spent getting up out of bed to soothe a crying or upset baby. It also allows parents to sleep peacefully, knowing that the baby is close by.

    ● Safety. Co-sleeping can also be a safer option than having a separate sleeping space for the baby. Studies have shown that bed-sharing can decrease the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in certain cases, as long as it is practiced safely.

In conclusion, co-sleeping with an infant can provide numerous benefits for both parent and baby, including improved overall health, enhanced bonding opportunities, increased convenience, and safety when practiced correctly. It is important to keep in mind that co-sleeping should always be done safely by following all guidelines recommended by experts.

Bidisha Sarkar

Bidisha Sarkar

Dr. Bidisha Sarkar, Pediatrician at ClinicSpots.

Victoria Taylor

Victoria Taylor

Victoria Taylor, Founder, and Teacher at Best Case Parenting.

Easier Feeding Setup

There are many benefits to co-sleeping with your baby. For both parents and the baby, it can provide the following:

    ● A sense of security and comfort
    ● Easier breastfeeding
    ● More sleep for both parents
    ● Bonding opportunities
    ● Improved infant development

Co-sleeping can also be beneficial as it helps to promote a secure attachment between parents and their baby. This bond is important for the physical and emotional health of babies, as it helps them to trust that they are safe and loved. Furthermore, co-sleeping can make night feedings easier for both the baby and the mother, as everything is already set up.

For example, if the baby is sleeping in the same bed as their parents, they can breastfeed without having to wake up fully. This makes it much easier for mothers to get back to sleep after feeding their babies.

Improved Development and Stronger Emotional Connections

Co-sleeping involves sleeping in the same bed as your baby or simply having them close enough to you so that you both sleep better. This proximity between parent and child encourages bonding and helps babies feel safe and secure. It also allows parents better sleep patterns, improved development, and stronger emotional connections. Sleeping with our baby, we have noticed that our baby is more relaxed and well-rested throughout the day.

Parents who sleep away from their babies wake up often during the night to tend to their baby’s needs. This causes exhaustion for both parent and child, leading to difficulty concentrating during the day. With co-sleeping, however, parents can enjoy a more restful sleep without interruption from the baby.

It also reduces babies’ temperament, as they are more relaxed and less likely to cry at night. Co-sleeping also decreases stress levels for both parents and babies, which benefits their physical health. We talked to a couple who have been co-sleeping with their baby since birth and have experienced incredible results.

Ultimately, it’s up to each parent or family to decide what works best for them when it comes to getting quality sleep and creating strong bonds with their baby. But from our own experiences and talking to other parents, we have found that co-sleeping can be a beneficial tool in making parenting much easier.

Mark Joseph

Mark Joseph

Mark Joseph, Founder of Parental Queries.

Sarah Gibson

Sarah Gibson, Co-founder, and Director of Proactive Healthcare.

Regulate Baby’s Breathing and Heart Rate

Personally, I believe co-sleeping with the baby is incredibly beneficial for parents and the baby. It encourages bonding between parent and child, which is incredibly important for healthy development. Co-sleeping helps regulate the baby’s breathing, body temperature, and heart rate and stimulates the oxytocin hormone, which is key in building a strong bond between mother and baby.

The constant proximity helps babies feel safer and secure. And parents can have more peaceful sleep knowing their little one is close by if they need to look after them during the night. All in all, co-sleeping can be a wonderful experience if approached thoughtfully and safely.

If you would like one-on-one help for cultivating healthy sleeping habits in your infant or toddler, contact us at Tiny Transitions. We’ve helped thousands of families create sustainable sleep solutions and can do the same for you.

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