Alisha Staples

Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant from Douglas, MA

Hello, Alisha Staples here. A Wife, Mom, Stepmom, and Dog mom located just outside Boston, Massachusetts. My love of Sleep Consulting started after my son Louie was born. Like most first time moms, I assumed sleep is sleep and my baby would just get it. Yes, let’s all laugh together! I thought he would just sleep when he’s tired and that he would go down easier for longer stretches naturally as he grew. HAHA! Que my FOMO baby, lots of dramatic rocking/bouncing/pacing. Many middle of the night google searches later, I learned how wrong I was, but I was also left more confused with all the different advice and how inconsistent it was. I was determined to learn everything I could about my baby’s sleep needs and with doing so brought on a new sense of confidence. Being able to meet my son where he was at and understand what would help us both felt just as amazing as the extra sleep we were both getting.

As your Certified Sleep Consultant, I understand that all families and all babies are different. I am here to meet you with grace for whatever season you are struggling in. I also bring a unique, gentle, empathetic approach to every family that I work with so you can feel confident in both the process and the results of our journey together. I will explain the why and the how behind everything and support you the entire way through. Sleep deprivation isn’t a mandatory piece of Motherhood. Book a free call with me and let’s make bedtime relaxing again.

I am determined help others facing similar issues by providing practical, real-life solutions that fit their families’ needs. I am certified in pediatric sleep coaching through the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and trained under Courtney here to join the Slumber Squad.

I prioritize gentle sleep training techniques, promoting healthy sleep habits while ensuring the emotional well-being of both children and parents. My goal is to empower families with the knowledge and tools needed to achieve restful nights and improve overall quality of life. Setup a free sleep evaluation call with me today! Better sleep for everyone is just a few clicks away!

New & Noteworthy from Alisha Stapes


Newsweek - Tiny Transitions - Baby Sleep Coaches
Fatherly - Tiny Transitions - Baby Sleep Coaches
Forbes - Tiny Transitions Courtney Zentz
MBG - Tiny Transitions - Baby Sleep Coaches
Romper - Tiny Transitions - Baby Sleep Coaches