Why Do Babies Take Short Naps?

Why Do Babies Take Short Naps?

As a new parent, one of the most baffling challenges can be understanding why your baby takes short naps. You’ve tried everything to create a serene environment and establish a consistent routine, but the elusive longer rest evades your little one. There can be...
6 Reasons Your Baby is Taking Short Naps & Sleeping Off Schedule

6 Reasons Your Baby is Taking Short Naps & Sleeping Off Schedule

As a new parent, getting your baby to sleep through the night can be challenging, but so can getting them to take long naps during the day. It can feel like a never-ending cycle of trying to keep your baby asleep, shushing them, and then waking up to find that their...
The 8-Month Sleep Regression Explained

The 8-Month Sleep Regression Explained

Every parent cherishes those quiet nights when their baby sleeps soundly, offering a much-needed respite. Just when you think you’ve gotten the hang of your baby’s sleep schedule, the 8-month old sleep regression makes an unexpected appearance, leaving you...
Safe Use of Nursing Pillows from a Baby Sleep Coach’s Perspective

Safe Use of Nursing Pillows from a Baby Sleep Coach’s Perspective

As a baby sleep coach, my foremost priority is the well-being of both infants and parents. The recent concerns surrounding nursing pillow-related incidents have highlighted the importance of education and safe usage. While tragedies have occurred, it’s crucial...
Why is my 8 month old crying uncontrollably at night?

Why is my 8 month old crying uncontrollably at night?

Things were finally calming down. The baby was sleeping through the night, on the right sleep schedule for an 8-month-old, settling independently at bedtime and sleeping through the night. Then, after just a few days and a new tooth, they are now crying uncontrollably...
Episode 134 – How to Start Pumping as a Breastfeeding Mom

Episode 134 – How to Start Pumping as a Breastfeeding Mom

Resources: How big is a newborns stomach download Episode Highlights: How to start pumping as a breastfeeding mom? When should you begin pumping with an infant? What is the most popular type of breast pump? How can a spouse or partner help in your feeding and sleep...